Brave Roots began as a space to empower women in arboriculture; born from a fiery energy of wanting to be seen, to be heard and to be valued.
I wanted women to believe in themselves and to create a culture inclusive to women. But I was still working from a place of masculine energy by pushing myself and not connecting with my intuition. I was using my voice to speak my frustrations about not being seen, valued or treated with respect. The underlying energy of Brave Roots was still a struggle as I tried to find my own unique purpose in this work. But to hear your purpose, I believe you need to get out of your head and into your heart.

I demonstrated that women can do big sketchy dangerous tree work. Women can be excellent climbers. Women can use big saws and do big heavy work.

But I was not operating from a place of heart centered joy. I was operating from a place of trying to make a difference, trying to be enough, trying to be seen, and wanting to be valued. My deepest joy wasn't the big technical work, it was my ability to climb and move throughout big beautiful canopy trees; connecting with the magic of the trees and life itself.
I have a deep love for trees, nature and climbing. But working as a climbing arborist doing big scary tree work is not my soul’s deepest desire or purpose.
My purpose involves trees, and climbing.
And it also involves healing, connecting, teaching, and leading.

I no longer operate from a place fueled by needing to prove my worth. Instead, I lead from my heart. I have nothing to prove; but so much to inspire. There is power and strength in the divine feminine. Although I was demonstrating women as strong and powerful; I was still working from a place of masculine energy. I focused on doing rather than being.
I believe that we all embody divine masculine and divine feminine energy. And I'm now stepping in to embrace my divine feminine that allows me to tap into my intuitive gifts and playful loving heart alongside my masculine energy that drives me to take action to show that there is strength, power and beauty in both.
When I do tree work now, I work in a way that acknowledges the sacred wisdom and incredible life force of trees. I work in a way that is heart centered, intuitive, powerful, and loving.
Simply put, my purpose is to love. To be love and to give love.

I am a lover of the trees. And I am here to help you understand and work with trees in integrity.
This is a part of much bigger vision that I am excited and deeply grateful to bring forth with love.
To stay up to date about what's coming - subscribe to my website and follow along my Instagram account @brave.roots
With Peace and Love,