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Writer's pictureKirsten Locke

Life & Nature are Cyclical, Dynamic, and Ever Changing

Life is cyclical, dynamic and ever changing

I'm choosing to enjoy the ride

Be excited

Let go with love

And move forward with my heart open and leading the way

I’m no longer going to close myself after going through pain, struggle or heartbreak

Through pain and challenge; we grow immensely if we can reflect, learn, heal and love ourselves deeply through the process and accept support from others

I’m on a new chapter of my life

My heart feels so much

And I’m so grateful for the deep hurt I feel because I also get to feel deep deep love joy gratitude excitement freedom and connection

My path is ever evolving and shifting in ways that even surprise me

The synchronicities of life are beautiful and all around us if we tune in to the energy of life that connects us all

And is unconditionally loving and giving

I’m about to fly to a new location for 6 weeks that you can only get to by plane in very northern ontario

I’m going to see polar bears, caribou and the northern lights

I’m going to connect with new people and learn about a native aboriginal community

I’m excited to bring my light, shine my heart and leave an impact of love and joy

I sprained my finger which happened in divine timing

My body needed rest and a break from physically pushing myself – both at work climbing trees and outside of work in the gym and rock climbing

I ignored the need for rest for some time and my body eventually told me I needed to take a break through this injury

I’m going to be working as a registered nurse again

But this time in such a different capacity

I’m an energy healer and intuitive

And I get to bring those gifts into this new work place

Tree work is also evolving for me

In two years Ive co cowned and built a tree business, ive left that business and became an employee, ive started my own business Brave Roots Inc.

I’m currently a contract climber and Ill be back climibng trees after this 6 week adventure

Im excited to see how my love for trees and healing evolve into a beautiful way to work

I’ve started doing intuitive & healing tree work – through connecting intuitively with what the tree needs

Im only just beginning my journey in the process of creating purposeful meaningful work

Nature is powerful

Nature heals

And we are a part of nature

Of the cycle of life

The ever changing evolving cycle that gives back to itself in an incredible way

We are all connected – people, plants, trees, animals, sun, stars, moon – we are all connected

I’m excited for this next adventure

Peace and Love,


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