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Exploring the Cliffs Along Lake Superior

Tuesday morning I was surprised by the sun beaming through my front windshield. I was excpecting a cloudy.

I did my first daily practice of butekyo breathing which left me feeling lighter and more mobile – yay!

I needed to head south today. On my drive, I started to feel a bit restless so I decided I’d stop at trail on my way to get out for a short walk. I was sore from yesterdays ski adventure.

I stopped at Gregory beach. It was a short 1km hike to the frozen beach. I was the only one there and it was breathtaking.

I felt eager to do some exploring. I headed towards the cliffs along the edge of Gregory Beach.

I felt a deep sense of connection to myself, to my spirit. I followed no path and explored along the cliff until I reached the point where my only option was up. I looked around for a way up.

Consistently reassessing how much risk I was taking, climbing on the edge of Lake Superior by myself.

I tested the holds. Some were loose. I found a wide crack that I wedged my body into and fairly easily got up to the next ledge.

I felt so calm yet excited. Creative. Joyful. I took my time as I explored upward.

I felt much more safe being further away from the frozen lake. I made note of how I got up to the ledge. The crack was just to the left of a tree that was missing its top then around to the right.

I came to a small slab, tried a few moves but my boots were pretty slippery from the snow. I said to myself one more try then I’ll head back.

I came over the slab with ease this time and explored the next ledge.

To continue up would require technical climbing. I was content with where I was.

I sat peacefully on top of the slab in the sun and reflected on my adventure.

To me, it was worth the risk. If I injured myself somehow it would be worth it. The serenity was incredible. The sense of joyful adventure and exploration. The peacefulness of being up there by myself was worth it.

The next time you’re struggling to know whether or not go forward with something ask yourself, is it worth the risk?

Everything in life involves some level of risk.

Driving, travelling, meeting new people...

There’s always risk. But only you can decide how much risk you’re willing to take in life.

There will always be some discomfort with risk and with doing something different or challenging.

Connect with yourself, your soul, your spirit. Trust your intuition. Accept the risk that’s worth it to you.

I took my time on the hike out, taking the most indirect path towards my van. The short 2 km hike turned it hours exploring the beach, the cliff, and the trees.

There’s something so special about being immersed in nature. When it’s just you and the trees. Tall soaring pine trees and small young spruces. When the sun gleams through the branches. And reminds us that the light we see and feel is inside of us too.

We are connected to all that’s around – the trees, the earth, the sky, and all the people that we share this beautiful planet with.

Go out into the forest.

Breathe in the air.

Use all your senses and feel the magic.

Whether it’s a bright blue bird day or cloudy and gloomy, the magic is still there. The light is still inside of us. We just have to take the time to feel it and remember.

Peace and Love,


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